Wednesday, April 30, 2014

week 10

The progress of this group is going alright so far. Our socializing has been a bit of a problem. With going with each other for this group has not led us any further, by the looks of our effort, there is not so much progress done. Although with the class work has been done, and all of it is done, we still haven't tried giving each other ideas for what we are going to do for our project. My idea was to put a list of all the things that we could do on a document. The document would have those ideas that I have just mentioned, and what they will be writing about. The plan will only go well if I share with Kimberly and Monica, and if I print out a piece of paper that will give a list of names and the jobs that they will be working on.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

week 7

Heaven Fonseca
Period 1
Kimberly has done information for the reasons why people should work out. Monica has done a group project template so that we can all put our ideas on that. I have done some of the presentation from google presentation. So far my slides have not been working and now I have to catch up to be able to start on my speech for my part on the presentation of our project. I think that Kimberly and I need to start working alone on this project, because Monica has not participated so much with us on this project.
We try to get contact information from her and she just doesn't want to help out with us, and this is really upsetting us. We need to atleast be able to have contact with us just in case she is absent so that we can share our work and progress with her. Kimberly and I need to know whether she wants to be in this group or not, in that case we can kick her off the project and she can work by herself, because we can't keep expecting her to do something if she doesn't give us what we need. She works on the computer and doesn't even share any ideas or even what she is doing, so how are we supposed to know what we are supposed to do or say on our presentation day.